Game of thrones ost
Game of thrones ost

game of thrones ost

If you're going through season finale withdrawals, cue this bad boy up for insta-feels. The track, called "Light of the Seven," is a 10-minute long piano, cello, and organ instrumental, with a some brief creepy choral voices thrown (throne?) in for drama. So fans might still be wondering, what is the song from the Game of Thrones finale? Luckily, the piece was released as part of the Season 6 Game of Thrones soundtrack, which is now available on Spotify. As the events of Loras' trial, Cersei's plot to fry the Sept of Baelor, and Tommen's suicide unfolded, a haunting piano piece flawlessly punctuates the rising tension and shocking deaths. Rather, many fans noticed the chilling, eery music that scored the opening sequence of the show, affectionately known as the wildfire barbecue.

game of thrones ost

One of the best surprises in the Game of Thrones Season 6 finale had nothing to do with the plot.

Game of thrones ost