You have the option to Spar with Handmaiden by talking to her and asking her if she can teach you any fighting moves. You can talk to Handmaiden about her name and you can get several Light Side Points from this particular conversation. Again, choose nice replies and you should gain Influence with her. In another conversation you should have the option to ask Handmaiden about her Mother. During this conversation you should gain Positive Influence and Light Side Points with her as long as you are nice to her. To start, talk to Handmaiden and ask her why she looks different. This ensures you will GAIN Influence with her and also gain a lot of Light Side Points. NOTE: Always try to choose the nicest responses when talking to Handmaiden. It is easiest to wait until Level 18 to talk to Handmaiden when you are on the Ebon Hawk because if you are level 18 you can do all her Dueling Matches and also turn her into a Jedi pretty quickly. This guide should help you navigate some of the conversations to help you gain influence so you can get your companions to become Jedi. You can also train some of your companions to become JEDI. Basically, ranged weapons and lightsabers will be statistically equal to their K2 counterparts except for some weaponry damage values that i've kept unaltered purposely - It doesn't make sense that, for example, a disruptor and an ion pistol would do the same damage against an organic target.īlaster Pistols now do 1-8 damage instead of 1-6 Disruptors' critical threat range is now 18-20x2 instead of 20-20x2 Ion blasters' critical multiplier is now x3 instead of x2 Regular lightsabers now deal 2-20 damage instead of 2-16 etc.In Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords you can learn different things from your companions. But that's not all - I've also modified the lightsabers as well. So this mod changes the base stats of ranged weapons (damage, criticals etc.) to be like the ones on K2. The developers at Obsidian noticed this and in KotOR 2 blasters are now a viable option as well. Yes, i know a stun stick isn't more powerful than a heavy repeater but I'm addressing the general problem here - In almost all situations you'll be better off charging at an enemy using your vibroblade instead of firing a blaster rifle, even when it seems like using a blaster would be the best option. What is it? Ranged Weapons are utterly outclassed by melee weapons. In KotOR 1 there is an obvious balancing issue concerning weapons that is especially noticeable in the early game, ie: Taris.