182/798).2 At a much wider scale, the stage of grammatical writing which as far as we know starts with the Kitab witnessed the methodical application of qiyas to virtually There is absolutely no proof that the grammarians of the first century ah applied qiyas toĪnalogy on a Broader Scale Analogy on a Broader Scale The Case of Vocative and Generic la Constructions ¯ R a m z i B a a l b a k i (American University of Beirut) For Gernot Rotter On his 65t h Birthday I. In the Kitab itself, as well as in the later sources that specialize in the biographies of lexicographers and grammarians, grammatical views which are based on qiyas are often attributed to scholars such as Abdallah b. 69/688),1 qiyas emerges as a major tool of grammatical analysis in the stage which preceded Sibawayhi's (d. Following the crude and largely unverifiable grammatical activity ascribed to scholars of the first century AH, and in particular Abu l-Aswad al-Du#ali (d.

Qiyas (analogy) is undeniably one of the most deep-rooted concepts which characterize Arabic grammatical thought. Analogy on a Broader Scale The Case of Vocative and Generic lā Constructions Analogy on a Broader Scale The Case of Vocative and Generic lā ConstructionsĪnalogy on a Broader Scale Analogy on a Broader Scale The Case of Vocative and Generic la Constructions ¯ R a m z i B a a l b a k i (American University of Beirut) For Gernot Rotter On his 65t h Birthday I.