Also, playing as the Redwynes could be a fun challenge. Also, the Hightowers have a weaker navy so they would not have been able to hold the Arbor. Finally, giving the Hightowers the Arbor would be too OP, and it would make sense for the Redwynes to have their own Kingdom as I don't think they have any special history with the Hightowers that would indicate they were vassals. The March Kings were origionally considered as a possibility, but I didn't think I could get them working well enough for this sort of game (and I have yet to see good crannogmen units). House Geryiron rule the Islands right now, and they are raiders, not conquerors. That being said, they will have the option of converting to the Old Ways during the campaign. I think also that house hoare should hold arbor and the redwynes should be just some generals for gardeners or hightowersWell House Hoare doesn't rule the Iron Islands, they are Andals marching in to conquer and covnert it. No marsh kings? they should hold exactly the same lands as house reed in korpskog mod. Cultural Conversion Scripts are going to be a big thing here, with the Brackens having the option to convert to the Seven, and the Hoares having the option to adopt the Old Ways. As such, the Crabbs will be "Andal", but will have the option to go back to the Old Gods with a script.

The books say that the Andals failed to conquer Crackclaw Point, but eventually just married it over to their side. The Masseys are just "Ancient" (I think you're thinking of the House from Driftmark). As such, I am assuming that the southern houses interbred/assimilated into the Andal culture. House Massey appeared in Westeros around the time of Aegon the Conqueror, and the Crabbs are definitely First Men.Well just about all of the Houses in Westeros had their origins in the Age of Heroes, making them technically "First Men". I'm almost completely sure that the Darklyns were actually First Men and not Andals. I noticed a few minor mistakes in the factions list. I just hope it's well executed when the time comes. We desperately need an ASOIAF mod set before the holy war against House Mudd.