Finally, create HungAppTimeOut and set that to 2000 also. The best solution is to open the registry editor, navigate to \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and create three strings (if they don't already exist). Create AutoEndTasks and set it to 1, create WaitToKillAppTimeOut and set it to 2000. Yes, Windows gives you a button that says "Shut down anyway," but you have to hit it and wait for the system to hopefully force close the apps. Now, Windows is nagging you to go back and close all your apps manually. Maybe you just had a nearly-empty notepad doc or a picture in Photoshop that you didn't want to save because you already copied and pasted the data into another app. You go to the fridge, grab a drink and return to find a message on your screen that says you have apps which aren't closed. You go to shutdown or restart your PC and you walk away, expecting your computer to be powered off (or rebooted) by the time you come back. If you have upgrade your windows 10 version and you have activated your windows 10 with product key, then you need to make sure that your windows 10 running the latest version of windows 10 and try with your windows 10 product key and you can also use windows 10 troubleshooter – you face any other issues.It's so annoying. Upgraded windows 10 for free and your device is not activated? If you activate windows 10 with product key then there you will receive many benefits from Microsoft you can experience and explore more options from Microsoft windows 10 operating system and will receive future update as soon as windows 10 updates gets released and security update and improvements which run efficiently and smoothly and stays protected. That’s it, this is how you activate windows 10 for free using Microsoft guides using txt file. Step 5: Now windows 10 will run the process and will activate windows 10 and product activated successfully. Step 4: Now go to your desktop and right click on windows.cmd file ->Select run as administrator.

Step 3: Copy the above code and paste it in notepad and save the file as windows.cmd and save it on your desktop. Step 2: Now, Open notepad on your windows 10

Step 1: Open google chrome (or any browser) and in URL bar type: and hit enter.